Ed Baker

Restoration Poems

Paperback. $10.00   PAYPAL

“To feel an old house being restored actually and within the fresh materials of these poems ‘chinked/w a secret/mix’ brings us all at once to once fine poet’s home: now sit down and read its timbres, words and boards, close to the fire.”    —David Giannini

“[Baker] has constructed a veritable, masterly house out of air. A place we walk through in our minds, watch it grow into completion and make ourselves at home. Such is the magic of his words, the geometric and architectural imagery of his mind–a sensitive, instructive human there.”  –Fred Jeremy Seligson

“Here is the dwelling of past in present. The craft of abiding and an abiding craft. Here is our home to be.”  —John Martone

A review of Restoration Poems by Bill Scalia

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